
National Health Center Week: August 6-12, 2023

July 31, 2023


全国各地的孩子们正准备返校, 全国社区卫生中心协会正在推广 National Health Center Week on August 6-12. 健康中心(hc)(也称为联邦合格健康中心或fqhc), 是我们国家医疗保健服务的重要组成部分吗. They provide access to high-quality, comprehensive primary health care, often including behavioral health and dental care, regardless of patients’ ability to pay. 卫生保健中心根据《趣赢平台》第330条从卫生资源和服务管理局获得联邦资金,并由社区委员会管理. And those children headed back to school? 如前所述,卫生保健中心管理着几乎一半的校本卫生中心(1100多个) 二十年校本卫生保健的成长与拓展, 增加儿童及其家庭在可信任的环境中获得全面初级保健的机会.

Need for Health Center Services in the U.S.

The U.S. 在关键卫生指标方面仍落后于大多数发达国家, such as maternal and infant mortality. 青少年的健康和福祉指标在过去十年中显著恶化, including protective sexual behaviors, experiences of violence, and mental health. Additionally, 基于种族的健康结果仍然存在巨大差异, ethnicity, geography, and income. 这些负面后果中的许多都可以通过定期锻炼来预防, high-quality health care that is accessible to all. According to Uniform Data System (UDS) data, which HCs are required to report annually, 1,2021年,373家hc为3000多万患者提供服务,其中:

  • 90%是低收入者(等于或低于联邦贫困线的200%)
  • 63% were racial or ethnic minority
  • 29% were less than 18 years old
  • 24%的人更喜欢用英语以外的语言服务
  • 19% were public housing residents
  • 4% were people experiencing homelessness

研究表明,卫生保健服务是改善健康结果和差距的有效战略. The UDS Mapper shows areas where low-income people use FQHC services, 这清楚地表明卫生保健在全国范围内的广泛使用. It is essential to continue supporting HCs through funding, policies, partnerships, technical assistance, 以及其他资源,以确保这一初级卫生保健安全网的发展和演变,以满足全国各地社区的需求.

How 趣赢平台 Supports Health Centers

趣赢平台提供一系列资源和服务,以支持fqhc的成功, 国家卫生中心周是一个很好的时间来关注其中的一些.

西方支持的一个例子是我们与hrsa资助的 卫生信息技术、评估和质量(HITEQ)中心. 我们开发资源和培训材料来帮助医疗保健机构进行选择, implement, and optimize electronic health records (EHRs); use electronic patient engagement tools, including mobile technologies and patient portals; and create data dashboards for continuous improvement. 另一个例子是韦斯特对hrsa资助的护士团项目的评估,该项目旨在增加在卫生专业人员短缺地区服务的护士数量, including HCs.

趣赢平台还支持社区参与初级保健研究网络(NCPCR)。, 它是社区参与联盟(CEAL)的一部分由美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)资助. NCPCR在初级保健环境中开展社区参与的研究,以解决卫生不平等问题, and the network includes multiple HCs. 趣赢平台 provides data coordination, evaluation, technical assistance, and communications to support NCPCR. 

Learn More

Use the UDS Mapper to identify FQHCs in your area. 了解当地FQHC在全国健康中心周及以后提供的服务和社区活动,并与其他人分享信息!

See the following resources for more information.

Contributed by 趣赢平台 experts Nancy Hood, PhD, Principal Research Associate, and Kerry Grace Morrissey, MPH, Vice President, both of Public Health.


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